Who are the Knights of Columbus?
_Knights are Catholic men who are committed to serving Christ through
works of charity and support of the Catholic Church. Being a Knight
means making a positive difference in your community through charitable
service, fund-raising, blood donation, and support of your local church.
We are the world's largest lay Catholic family service organization,
with knights located in 13 different countries including Canada, the US,
Mexico and the Philippines.
"As an organization, we are as relevant today as when we were founded 126 years ago; perhaps even more so. Our Order offers Catholic men a variety of ways to invite God to share in a greater part of their lives, and there is no organization more committed to sharing time and talent with those in need. In many ways, our Order is the preeminent lay Catholic organization. As such, we must play a leading role in the Pope's efforts to build a civilization of love in the very places we know best: our families, councils, parishes, schools and communities. We have much work to do." Carl A. Anderson, Supreme Knight Columbia June 2008 |
_What does your council do?_Our council runs charitable and social events in our parish and
community. Common events include charitable donations to various organizations who support Catholic teaching, monthly rosary nights and monthly trips to the Door Is Open soup kitchen in
downtown Vancouver where we purchase supplies for and prepare soup and sandwiches for approximately four hundred people. Our efforts are financed through fund-raising pancake breakfasts, private donations and proceeds from BC gaming grants.
Our college council holds full status as an official council of the Knights of Columbus. We offer college students the opportunity to hold officiating positions within the organization. Our knights are encouraged to join with knights from all over Canada and the US to participate in conventions and national events. |
How can I become a member?
_To join the Knights of Columbus you must be a practical Catholic male of
at least 18 years of age. If you meet these requirements please
go to our Contact Us page and let us know, or show up to a meeting where we can meet you and formally consider your interest in membership.